Changes to FYC Notices of Race

In order to comply with provincial health regulations, we have to change some of the things we do automatically.  Please read this list carefully, for the safety of all of us.  It is going to feel unsociable, but we can still sail, race, and chat – at a distance!

Starting immediately, and continuing until further notice, all FYC Notices of Race are amended to include the following:

All participants must;

  • Self-screen before coming to the club.  anyone with COVID19 symptoms must not come to the club.
  • Follow the club guidelines on hygiene, sanitation, physical distancing, maximum number of people congregating, and to preventing the spread of communicable diseases.
  • Travel with individuals within their own household and jurisdiction.
  • Maintain social distancing (2 metres/6 feet). Avoid all physical contact.
  • Maintain good handwashing and respiratory hygiene
  • Minimize the number of people in the dock/launching/rigging/parking areas.
  • Do not invite visitors/guests to the facilities.
  • Nothing to be shared.  Everything must be provided by the individual. Avoid sharing tools or equipment. If shared disinfect affected tools after use.
  • Avoid the common courtesy of helping others with their lines or accepting help unless there is an immediate need to avoid injury or damage. Wash hands or use sanitizer after handling someone else’s boat or lines.
  • Responding to an incident on or off the water (sailor in the water/other injury) may cause the responsible person to come in physical contact with the sailor. As such participants should always have gloves, masks and hand sanitizer available to protect themselves, and sailors, should contact become necessary.
  • When required, wear gloves that can be washed after use or put aside for several days – do not put gloves in your pocket – virus can live on surfaces up to 7 days – wash hands after taking off the gloves.
  • Safety Boat and Committee Boat should be sanitized after every use;

These rules may change quite quickly, based on advice MSA gets from public health.  Watch our website for changes.

Travelling to the Lake

Public health officials advise Manitobans to stay home as much as possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you travel to the lake, the Province asks you follow these guidelines:

  • Do not travel if you or any of your family members require medical care or have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing). If you have any symptoms, use the screening tool at: before you travel to see if you need to be tested.
  • If you or anyone with you begins to feel ill or experiences COVID-19 symptoms, return home immediately.
  • Only travel with immediate family members who live with you.
  • Shop at local restaurants and businesses that offer curbside or pick-up services, and otherwise go directly to and from your destination without visiting other residences or businesses.
  • Bring all necessary supplies.
  • Take all required prescription drugs and medical supplies.
  • Get fuel before you leave home.
  • Do not visit others outside of your immediate family.
  • Do not use public facilities, such as playgrounds or washrooms.
  • Maintain a two-metre distance from all non-family members.
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.
  • Avoid tasks that may result in injury.
  • Do not use local health providers, unless it is an emergency.
  • In the event of a medical emergency requiring evacuation, be sure you can contact local authorities. Emergency contact information varies by region. Ensure you collect and take that information with you before you leave home.
  • Public health officials advise that choosing to wear a non-medical mask is another way of covering your mouth and nose to prevent your respiratory droplets from spreading to others or landing on surfaces. These masks may not protect you from becoming infected with COVID-19. Medical masks should be reserved for medical professionals.

Staged Opening Plan

Club facilities will be available on a limited basis, both to protect our members and to ensure that the club is compliant with Public Health Orders. 

  1. Members must stay home when ill.  Members are not allowed entry if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing). If you have any symptoms, use the screening tool at: Shared health MB Covid19 screening-tool to see if you need to be tested.
  2. Members are required to maintain physical distancing of 2 metres or 6.5 feet from other members at all times.  No more than 10 people should gather at any time.  Any congregation of people is actively discouraged.
  3. The water will be on (May 15). Wash your hands frequently every time you access the Club facilities.
  4. The Upper Clubhouse remains closed at this time. You may use the outside upper deck, provided physical distancing is maintained. (minimum of 6.5 feet from one another)
  5. The Lower Clubhouse will be open for limited use, as follows: 
    1. Bleach sanitizer, soap, and hand sanitizer will be available in the Lower Clubhouse. Please wash hands thoroughly upon entry and again prior to exiting. Wipe all surfaces (with sanitizer) and anything you have been in contact with (counter, table, fridge interior/exterior, door handles), before and after use. The same applies to the picnic tables.
    1. Members are not permitted to access any Club kitchen utensils, serving tools, plates, glasses, etc. in the lower clubhouse. Bring your own.
    1. The Fridge(s) will be available. A “Fridge Use Protocol” document will be posted on each open fridge.  If you wish to keep items in the fridge, they must be place in a bag/box (with your name on it). Do not place any loose, non-identified items in the fridge or freezer.
    1. One BBQ will be available for use. Consider bringing your own picnic lunch/snack that requires minimal preparation.
  6. The East Washroom (closest to the Lower Clubhouse) will be open for use.  A “Washroom Use Protocol” document will be posted on the door to this washroom.  Bleach sanitizer, soap, and hand sanitizer will be available in the washroom. Wipe door handle on entry to bathroom, wipe surfaces before/after use, wash hands thoroughly, wipe door handles again on exit.
  7. Club sailboats will be available to members on an exclusive ‘signout basis’ (i.e. the member will take responsibility and safe custody of all rigging, sails, etc) for a month or specified period of time. During that period, the member will not return rigging and sails to the sail locker, but will safely store the items in a dry, safe place (in boat if a cover is available) – see Charles for information.
  8. The large Club rescue boat will be in the water and ready for use if needed.  If you use the boat, wipe all touched surfaces
  9. Please bring your own hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and other personal hygiene products when coming to the Club.  While Bleach Sanitizer, soap, and hand sanitizer will be available at the Club (as indicated above), if the Club’s supplies become limited, then Club operations may be further limited. 
  10. Pack in, pack out. Take your own garbage and recyclables to the depot by the grocery store. Do not leave any garbage or recyclables in the Club.
  11. FYC races are suspended at this time.  Sail Manitoba is collaborating with the clubs to finalize a sailing ‘best practices’ document.  Sail Manitoba sanctioned events are not permitted to proceed until the Provincial Public Health Office approves this document. Subject to approval, it is hoped some level of programming/formal activity will be permitted by the end of June.  There will be no formal races at FYC until we can determine how to do so safely.

We are fortunate to have a lot of outdoor space at our club such that members will be able to access their boats and go sailing while respecting physical distancing and other Public Health Orders.  The FYC Board will continue to monitor the situation as it evolves and assess the best course of action for when and how we may resume more complete access and operations.

COVID update

In light of the Manitoba government’s announcements on Wednesday, the FYC Board understands that many of our members will be wondering what the gradual reopening means for our club.  As some of the restrictions in Manitoba begin to ease, the FYC Board is continuing to monitor the directions from the provincial government and health officials, and determine the best course of action for how and when we may proceed with our club opening in a manner that ensures the safety of our members.

As it stands, the new orders maintain the gathering size limit of no more than 10 people at any indoor or outdoor premises, which provides us with a unique challenge. For details, of the Manitoba government’s phased in plan to support the gradual restoring of services and opening of businesses in Manitoba, see the Province of Manitoba’s official web page: Restoring safe services.

Sail Manitoba has a Board meeting via Zoom on May 6, at which the question of Sail Manitoba and its members clubs will be the primary focus. We will provide our members with an update on when and how our club opening will proceed after the Sail Manitoba Board meeting.

Until then, all the best.


Yet another COVID19 notice!

Dear FYC Members

At this time, we are not sure how COVID-19 will affect our summer sailing season. FYC’s top priority is the health and safety of our members. We believe that exercise and outdoor activities are an important component to mental health, especially during a stressful time. The Club will follow all public health orders and recommendations.

We are monitoring the recommendations of Manitoba Health, the government of Canada, and the World Health Organization (WHO) and will keep you updated on how we might open and operate by implementing protocols that control the spread of the virus, keep us safe, and respect the health needs of permanent residents of the Whiteshell Park area.   The most recent Sail Canada update urges that all member clubs close their boatyards to boat owners and sailors and suspend all activities. As we approach our opening date (May 16) we will post an update on whether, or how we can open the Club while respecting recommended protocols.

FYC Racing Report 2019

We had a good year of racing, sailing a total of 39 races in the club dinghy series, plus the Sumer of Sailing Regatta, two sailing clinics, and three days of keelboat racing.

17 skippers participated in the dinghy race series.  Nine skippers completed fifteen races, the number required to be competitive in the final results.  

The keelboat races on June 23, August 4 and September 1 were well attended; three boats on the line in June, five in August and September.

Al Cade was named the most improved sailor at the AGM, for becoming a successful keel boat racer in 2019.

Dinghy club championship results:

Club championship race results 2019
Al Cade receiving Most Improved Sailor award at 2019 AGM

September Keelboat Race

After one postponement, we got some nice weather; a fairly gentle breeze, and five boats completed all three races. It was a relatively cool day, and we were glad to be warmly dressed and sailing keelboats.

Dave/Jean finished first overall, followed very closely by Al/Penny, with Charles, Marcello and Ian following farther behind.

We topped it off with the last BBQ of the season.

Al and Penny
Al and Penny
Liz sailing
Liz sailing

Commodore’s Cup 2019

We had worried that the weather would require postponing the Commodore’s Cup regatta due to rain, but on Saturday morning, the sun was shining and there was no lack of wind, instead there was some concern about the strength of the wind as we rigged our boats. 11 boats completed the first race in a brisk wind, enjoying bracing reaches and gybes. By the last race, four boats finished, hanging on through some violent gusts.
A big thank you to Brian K and Deb W for running the races on the water.

Commodore’s Cup Results:
Craig First
Sharlene Second
Mat Third

Rigging for Commodore's Cup
Rigging for Commodore’s Cup
Mat on final downwind
Mat on final downwind
Brian and Deb running the races
Brian and Deb running the races
Cory between races
Cory between races

August 17 & 18

Pretty quiet at the club August 17; many sailors away at the Lasers Masters regatta, and the wind not putting up much of a show, but sufficient breezes from the South – South west to set up a sausage course and run five races:

On Sunday a strong and gusty wind blowing from the West, and four boats headed out to the start line, but some parts broke, and in the end a few boats just zoomed around in the mighty wind.

Jay in Brian’s Laser Radial
Hit 24.6 kph reaching in the Tasar; felt a lot faster!

August 5 Racing

No lack of wind on the holiday Monday. Strong gusts from the W-NW, and a few other directions. Set up a triangle course. Those who went out had to hang on and move fast, but we hit top boat speeds over 20 kph on the reaches.

Back in the game
Back in the game
Race timing GPS track
Speed profile for that track…