First races of 2024

Saturday June 22 2024

Skipper	UK position
Sharlene 1
Dave L 2
Wendy 3
B Woods 4
Roger 5
B Kelly 6
Dave H 7
Sharlene 1
Dave L 2
Wendy 3
Roger 4
Dave H 5
B Woods 6
B Kelly 7
Sharlene 1
Dave L 2
B Woods 3
Roger 4
Wendy 5
B Kelly 6
Dave H 7
Dave L 1
Wendy 2
Sharlene 3
Roger 4
B Woods 5
Dave H 6
B Kelly 7

2023 Racing Results

The rain held back for our club closing operations, the AGM and the BBQ this weekend.

Here are the series racing results announced at the meeting.

We ran a total of 52 races in the series this year.  24 skippers participated, including 9 women.  We recorded 358 dinghies starting,  an average of 6.9 boats at each start. This year, the top end of the fleet was exceptionally competitive, while at the same time other sailors were racing for the first time.

11.1 The scoring system is as follows: The Low Point scoring system of Appendix A for “series longer than a regatta” (Rule A9) will apply to all races official club races completed in the year, of which 15 races will be required to be completed to constitute a series. A boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores, excluding her 16th best score and all those below it.

Ten skippers completed the 15 or more races required to be competitive in the FSC Dinghy Series.

Results for 2023

1Dave L15
4B Kelly35
5B Woods35

2023 FSC Keel Boat Series

The weather was not very cooperative on keel boat racing days, but we were able to hold three keel boat racing days this season.

Scoring for keel boat races is based on each boat’s results for half the total number of races in the series, rounding upward for an uneven total.

This year, we completed seven races, so a boat’s best four scores were counted.

Five skippers participated in the KB series. We completed a total of seven races, so “at least half” represents four races.  All five skippers completed at least four races to qualify.

2023 FSC KB series scores

Most Improved Sailor

Each year, we watch with interest the progress of newer sailors as they learn to manage their boats in a variety of conditions.  We celebrate this progress by naming one “Most Improved Sailor” every year. The most improved sailor for 2023 is Jan Waters

The full Race Report for 2023 is HERE.

Saturday Sept 16 KB races

Not much wind to play with; very light puffs generally from the North. Four boats set out to make the most of what there was. We had to shorten the second race as the wind was quitting.

Memorable moment when Charles fell out of Kismet because a lifeline that he was leaning against broke…

Skipper	Time	Corr. Time	Points
RACE 1			
Feavers	40.30	25.85	1
Al	49.36	28.62	2
Marcel	50.13	31.82	3
Ian	66.32	43.11	4

RACE 2			
Feavers	34.17	21.88	1
Al	40.23	23.30	2
Marcel	DNF      	4
Ian	48.56	31.71	3

Satuday Sept 9 races

Lovely afternoon. Variable winds, mostly from the North.

Skipper	Time	UK Corr time	UK position
RACE 1			
Feavers	14.04	826	1
Dave L	15.12	829	2
Sharl	16.28	861	3
B Kelly	16.52	990	7
Gavin	17.00	889	4
Patti	17.45	929	5
B Woods	18.25	963	6
Ian	DNF      	8

RACE 2			
Feavers	14.59	880	6
Dave L	14.36	796	3
Sharl	14.53	779	1
B Kelly	15.30	910	7
Gavin	15.02	786	2
Patti	15.35	815	4
B Woods	16.00	837	5
Ian	21.00	1233	8

RACE 3			
Feavers	15.47	927	4
Dave L	15.44	858	1
Sharl	16.52	882	3
B Kelly	16.06	945	7
Gavin	16.50	881	2
Patti	17.59	941	6
B Woods	17.45	929	5
Ian	19.23	1138	8

RACE 4			
Feavers	13.07	770	3
Dave L	13.06	715	1
Sharl	14.00	732	2
Patti	17.05	894	4

Ian	17.40	1037	5

Saturday Sept 2 races (Rev.)

A beautiful hot day with brisk westerly winds brought out lots of sailors.

Skipper	Time	UK Cor	UK pos
RACE 1			
Feavers	13.37	799	3
Craig B	14.02	765	1
Evan	14.18	780	2
Gavin	16.02	839	4
Phil	16.29	974	8
Cole B	17.53	935	6
Sharl	17.55	937	7
Penny	18.09	901	5
Wendy	19.45	1033	9

RACE 2			
Feavers	15.19	899	4

Evan	15.16	833	1
Gavin	16.43	874	3
Phil	16.20	966	7
Cole B	18.08	949	6
Sharl	16.11	847	2
Penny	18.55	940	5
Wendy	19.11	1003	8

RACE 3			
Feavers	16.14	953	2
Craig B	17.43	966	3
Evan	17.15	941	1
Gavin	19.39	1028	5
Phil	17.31	1035	6
Cole B	21.44	1137	8
Sharl	19.30	1020	4

Wendy	22.21	1169	9
Roger	20.13	1058	7

RACE 4			
Feavers	13.03	766	4
Craig B	13.42	747	2
Evan	13.36	742	1
Gavin	15.14	797	5
Cole B	15.47	826	7
Sharl	14.20	750	3

Wendy	16.16	851	8
Roger	15.39	819	6