FYC Hosting Big Regatta in July

Mark your calendars!  On July 20 and 21, 2019, the Falcon Yacht Club is hosting the District 4 Laser Championships/Summer of Sailing Regatta.  This will be our biggest racing weekend of the season and a great reason for a Saturday evening BBQ.  Club members are encouraged to race or volunteer for the weekend.

Laser International divides North American into 25 Districts (6 in Canada).  District 4 includes Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario (including Thunder Bay).  For the “seasoned” Masters sailors in our club who are feeling extra adventurous this year, the District 4 Championships will be an excellent warm-up for the Laser Masters Canadian Championships, which the RLWYC is hosting this year in August.

Online registration for the District 4 Championships is now online at: Sailcanada.checklick/Manitoba

For the District 4’s, only those with an International Laser Class Association (ILCA) membership will be scored in the District 4 Championships. (An ILCA membership is also required for the Masters and is available online at: www.laser.org).

For sailors born between 2003 and 2010, the District 4’s/Summer of Sailing Regatta is also the qualifiers for the South Region for the 2020 Manitoba Games.  If you know a sailor who might be interested, please visit the Sail Manitoba 2020 Manitoba Games site at: sailmanitoba.com/2020-manitoba-games.

We are also looking for a few more volunteers.  If you are not planning to race, but would still like to be a part of the event, many hands make for light work!  If you are interested in volunteering, please email Charles (on the water) or Liz (on land).

Racing 2019

The club 2018 AGM decided to adopt UK handicaps for dinghies to adjust finish times in 2019. I have posted the handicaps we will be using in 2019 on the Racing Handicaps page. Tasar and Laser full rig sailors will have to work harder this year!

Dave beating upwind
Dave beating upwind