Saturday Sept 2 races (Rev.)

A beautiful hot day with brisk westerly winds brought out lots of sailors.

Skipper	Time	UK Cor	UK pos
RACE 1			
Feavers	13.37	799	3
Craig B	14.02	765	1
Evan	14.18	780	2
Gavin	16.02	839	4
Phil	16.29	974	8
Cole B	17.53	935	6
Sharl	17.55	937	7
Penny	18.09	901	5
Wendy	19.45	1033	9

RACE 2			
Feavers	15.19	899	4

Evan	15.16	833	1
Gavin	16.43	874	3
Phil	16.20	966	7
Cole B	18.08	949	6
Sharl	16.11	847	2
Penny	18.55	940	5
Wendy	19.11	1003	8

RACE 3			
Feavers	16.14	953	2
Craig B	17.43	966	3
Evan	17.15	941	1
Gavin	19.39	1028	5
Phil	17.31	1035	6
Cole B	21.44	1137	8
Sharl	19.30	1020	4

Wendy	22.21	1169	9
Roger	20.13	1058	7

RACE 4			
Feavers	13.03	766	4
Craig B	13.42	747	2
Evan	13.36	742	1
Gavin	15.14	797	5
Cole B	15.47	826	7
Sharl	14.20	750	3

Wendy	16.16	851	8
Roger	15.39	819	6

Race Results Sunday Aug. 27

Thanks to Brian and Penny for reporting the results

Skipper        	Time	UK time	UK position
RACE 1			
Dave L	        18.41	1019	1
Sharlene	19.31	1021	2
B Kelly	        19.33	1148	4
B Woods	        20.50	1090	3
Patti	        24.02	1257	6
Deb Woods	24.51	1300	7
Jan Waters	26.39	1394	8
Wendy	        23.09	1211	5

RACE 2			
Dave L	        20.31	1119	2
Sharlene	21.13	1110	1
B Kelly	        22.08	1299	4
B Woods	        25.53	1354	6
Patti	        24.14	1268	3
Deb Woods	30.29	1595	8
Jan Waters	26.59	1412	7
Wendy	        25.29	1333	5

RACE 3			
Dave L	        18.55	1032	1
Sharlene	20.07	1052	2
B Kelly        	19.18	1133	3
B Woods        	22.35	1181	5
Patti	        23.01	1204	6
Jan Waters	25.53	1354	8
Wendy	        23.28	1228	7
Roger	        22.09	1159	4

RACE 4			
Dave L	        22.25	1223	1
Sharlene	28.36	1496	4
B Kelly        	23.39	1388	3
B Woods        	28.46	1505	5
Patti	        29.10	1526	7
Wendy	        30.12	1580	8
Roger	        29.08	1524	6
Jean	        25.06	1367	2

Sunday Aug 20 races

A variable, shifty breeze ranging from west to north made for classic Falcon Lake conditions this afternoon. Nine boats went out to race.

We set a northwest sausage course, and for the most part that worked fairly well.

Congratulations to Beb Woods and Jan Waters for completing their first races.

Skipper	Time	UK Corr	UK position
RACE 1			
B Kelly	14.54	875	1
Feavers	15.00	881	2
Patti	17.46	929	3
Phil	17.48	1051	4
Ian	21.25	1257	5

RACE 2			
B Kelly	16.40	978	3
Feavers	16.26	965	2
Patti	17.36	921	1
Phil	20.17	1198	6
Ian	22.27	1318	7
B Woods	20.28	1071	4
Wendy	20.30	1072	5

RACE 3			
B Kelly	16.02	941	3
Feavers	16.08	947	4
Patti	17.52	935	2
Phil	16.36	980	5
Ian	17.05	1003	6
B Woods	17.50	933	1
Wendy	19.34	1024	7
Deb W	21.26	1121	8
Jan W	24.15	1269	9

RACE 4			
Feavers	16.27	966	2
Patti	21.11	1108	3
Phil	15.58	943	1
Ian	24.55	1463	6
B Woods	21.23	1119	4
Wendy	24.50	1299	5

Friday / Saturday Aug 18/19

We had fun hosting the provincial juniour championships for young sailors in Optis and Laser Radials. Friday was a training day, and Saturday we held a regatta. The MSA coaches ran the training, and Paul from West Hawk helped us run the regatta.

Both days were windy — very windy later in the day. Fortunately, on Saturday we were able to run two races in reasonable conditions between the absolute calm in the morning and the strong afternoon winds, so medals were duly awarded on the basis of those races.

Dinghy races Sun. Aug. 13 2023

Thanks to Brian and Penny for reporting results.

Skipper	Time	Corr	position
RACE 1			
B Kelly	12.39	743	3
B Woods	13.05	684	1
Wendy	13.22	699	2

RACE 2			
B Kelly	12.57	760	1
B Woods	14.37	765	2
Ian	14.12	834	4
Wendy	14.48	774	3

RACE 3			
B Kelly	12.34	738	2
B Woods	13.57	730	1
Ian	DNF      	4
Wendy	14.12	743	3

RACE 4			
B Kelly	12.02	706	2
B Woods	13.40	715	3
Ian	14.26	847	4
Wendy	13.26	703	1

Commodore’s Cup 2023

At noon Saturday, August 12, the weather was not promising, with rain clouds about and no wind on the lake, but an hour later, a breeze filled in from the SE, allowing a course to be set. A dozen sailboats set out as Phil and Deb headed out in the club motor boat to run the race. The wind came and went, moved about, and the rain sputtered a little, but we completed four races, and had a delightful BBQ in the evening.

  1. Sharlene
  2. Dave L
  3. Feavers
  4. Roger R
  5. Patti
  6. Kellys
  7. Tie; Brian W and Garth
  8. Tie; Garcia brothers and Wendy
  9. Ana
  10. Rosemary (her first race!)
Skipper	Time	Corr 	UK position
RACE 1			
B Kelly	21.59	1291	9
Feavers	17.54	1051	3
Ian	20.06	1180	5
B Woods	22.53	1197	8
Sharl	18.07	948	2
Wendy	27.57	1462	10
Anna	30.06	1575	11
Garth	21.50	1191	7
Roger	20.37	1078	4
Dave L	16.20	891	1
Patti	22.37	1183	6
Rosem	34.20	1796	12

RACE 2			
B Kelly	8.59	527	3
Feavers	9.37	565	8
Ian	10.34	620	9
B Woods	10.45	562	7
Sharl	9.03	473	1
Wendy	10.16	537	4
Anna	-3.00	DNF     11
Garth	12.12	665	10
Roger	10.39	557	6
Dave L	9.10	500	2
Patti	10.33	552	5
Rosem	-3.00	DNS

RACE 3			
B Kelly	11.43	688	10
Feavers	9.25	553	3
Ian	10.57	643	7
B Woods	12.04	631	5
Sharl	10.05	527	1
Wendy	12.23	648	8
Anna	16.12	848	11
Garth	11.00	600	4
Roger	12.13	639	6
Dave L	9.50	536	2
Patti	12.57	677	9
Rosem	DNS

RACE 4			
B Kelly	13.36	798	5
Feavers	12.22	726	2
Ian	15.52	932	10
B Woods	17.20	907	8
Sharl	13.52	725	1
Wendy	17.31	916	9
Anna	18.33	970	11
Garth	15.32	847	7
Roger	15.11	794	4
Dave L	14.02	765	3
Patti	15.31	812	6
Rosem	DNS

Races Aug 7th

Generally light winds, allegedly from the NW. Lovely summer afternoon.

RACE 1			
Dave L	12.18	671	1
Sharl	13.20	697	2
Feavers	12.06	710	3
B Kelly	12.30	734	4
Roger	14.27	756	5
B Woods	14.54	779	6

RACE 2			
Dave L	8.32	465	1
Sharl	8.59	470	2
B Kelly	8.58	526	3
Roger	11.08	582	4
Feavers	9.59	586	5
B Woods	11.21	594	6

RACE 3			
Feavers	11.55	700	1
Sharl	13.44	718	2
Dave L	13.18	725	3
B Kelly	12.32	736	4
Roger	16.46	877	5
B Woods	16.50	881	6

Keel Boat Races Aug 6th

Lovely breezy afternoon, from NW (generally!). Five boats racing. Thanks to Deb and Jan for running the races.

Skipper	Boat	Handicap	Time	Corr	 Position		
Race One
Feavers	CS22	        94	19.20	10.4	2.0
Al	Montgomery17	104	23.00	11.5	3.0
Garth	Oday Mar 19	102.1	19.11	9.5	1.0
Ian	Macgregor 26DB	92.6	32.07	18.9	4.0

Race 2
Feavers	CS22	        94	18.19	9.8	1.0
Al	Montgomery 17	104	20.50	10.3	2.0
Garth	Oday Mar 19	102.1	20.31	10.3	3.0
Ian	Macgregor 26DB	92.6	35.49	21.3	5.0
Marc	C/lina22(Skene)	94.7	24.34	13.7	4.0

Race 3
Feavers	CS22	        94	19.38	10.6	1.0
Al	Montgomery 17	104	21.40	10.8	3.0
Garth	Oday Mar 19	102.1	21.05	10.6	2.0
Ian	Macgregor 26DB	92.6	29.04	16.9	5.0
Marcel	C/lina22(Skene)	94.7	22.23	12.3	4.0

Some corrected results differed in second decimal (not shown here)

August 5 Race Results

A lovely hot afternoon with fluky, light winds. A learn to race clinic in the morning produced results; everybody was contesting the start line, with some “interesting” situations! Thanks to David and Craig Baker for running the races.

RACE 1			
Dave L		25.41	1401	2
Sharlene	26.10	1369	1
B Kelly		26.13	1539	8
Josh		27.54	1459	4
Roger		27.16	1426	3
Phil		26.47	1582	10
Feavers		27.14	1599	11
Wendy		29.26	1540	9
Patti		28.12	1475	6
B Woods		28.02	1466	5
Cole		29.02	1519	7

RACE 2			
Dave L		16.44	913	1
Sharlene	20.52	1092	5
B Kelly		15.54	933	2
Josh		21.30	1125	6
Roger		30.54	1616	10
Phil		DNF		11
Feavers		16.19	958	3
Wendy		30.15	1582	9
Patti		18.28	966	4
B Woods		25.55	1356	7
Cole		27.30	1439	8