MSA has sanctioned our race program for 2020, so we can start racing this weekend.
We have been advised to adjust the wording of our Notice of Race in order to comply with provincial health regulations as they stand now. Therefore:
Starting immediately, and continuing until further notice, all FYC Notices of Race are amended to include the following:
All racers, volunteers and race management people must;
- Pass the COVID-19 self-assessment test before coming to the club each day. Anyone with COVID19 symptoms must not come to the club.
- Ensure that the number of people congregating is less than 50.
- Travel with individuals within their own household and jurisdiction.
- Maintain social distancing (2 metres/6 feet). Avoid all physical contact.
- Maintain good handwashing and respiratory hygiene
- Minimize the number of people in the dock/launching/rigging/parking areas.
- Not invite visitors/guests to the facilities.
- Nothing to be shared. Everything must be provided by the individual. Avoid sharing tools or equipment. If shared disinfect affected tools after use.
- Avoid the common courtesy of helping others with their lines or accepting help unless there is an immediate need to avoid injury or damage. Wash hands or use sanitizer after handling someone else’s boat or lines.
- Responding to an incident on or off the water (sailor in the water/other injury) may cause the responsible person to come in physical contact with the sailor. As such participants should always have gloves, masks and hand sanitizer available to protect themselves, and sailors, should contact become necessary.
- When required, wear gloves that can be washed after use or put aside for several days – do not put gloves in your pocket – virus can live on surfaces up to 7 days – wash hands after taking off the gloves.
- Safety Boat and Committee Boat should be sanitized after every use;
These amendments to the rules replace the ones we published last week, and may change again quite quickly, based on advice MSA gets from public health. Watch our website for changes.